The SAA fellowship has some amazing literature resources available free of charge through the international SAA website. Some of these resources are also available for purchase as downloadable e-books. Additionally, some of these resources are available in hard copy. If you would like to purchase a hard copy, we recommend that you make a request at a meeting you attend, so that your order can be made as part of a bulk shipment.  We are deeply grateful to the international SAA fellowship, and to The International Service Organization (ISO) of SAA, for making these resources available.

Getting Started in SAA
A beginner’s packet for recovering sex addicts. If you are new to the SAA fellowship, this text may help you get started.

Sex Addicts Anonymous – (Green Book)
The Green Book provides an overview of our program, with insights and wisdom in many areas of our addiction and recovery. There is also an audio version of the Green Book available for purchase through Audible, Google Play (male voice), Google Play (female voice) and Audiobooks.

Tools of Recovery
The purpose of this booklet is to describe some of the tools that have supported our efforts toward abstinence and helped us get through the rough times when we wanted to act out sexually.

Defining Sexual Sobriety in SAA (the 3 Circles)
Ultimately, our definition of sobriety is our own, but if we define our own program of recovery in isolation, our self-made programs may deceive us, becoming too loose or too restrictive. The 3 Circles is a tool to help us define healthy, risky and acting out behaviors in each of our lives.

Step 1 Guide
If you are starting with step work, this guide can assist in working the first step.

Voices of Recovery
The SAA Meditation Book carries the message of recovery by collecting into one volume diverse voices of the SAA fellowship to serve as a resource for meditation and prayer for the addict in recovery and the sex addict who still suffers.

SAA Pamphlets
These short form texts cover topics such as seeking a sponsor, personal spirituality, intimacy avoidance, a welcome to the woman newcomer, a message of hope for sex addicts in the LGBTQ+ communities, developing healthy sexuality and more.

The Full SAA Literature Library
There is more SAA literature available in the full SAA literature library on the international SAA site.